
The Luck of the Bodkins

Too damn silly, he felt, her asking a thing like that when for days he had been going out of his way to make it abundantly clear what his feelings were towards her. An intelligent girl like herself, he meant to say, was surely aware that a fellow does not look at her the way he had been looking, squeeze her hand the way he had been squeezing it and kiss her on dark decks the way he had been kissing her, unless he means something by it.

Reginald: "I've loved you ever since you nearly twisted my neck off that first day."
Mabel: "Great."
Reginald: "I started worshipping you at that precise moment."
Mabel: "Swell."
Reginald: "And day by day in every way it's getting worse and worse ever since."
Mabel: "Don't you mean better and better?"
Reginald: "No, I don't mean better and better. I mean worse and worse. And why? Because it's hopeless. Abso-bally-hopeless."
Mabel: "Hopeless? Why? If what's worrying you is that you think I don't love you, dismiss that notion. I'm crazy about you."
Reginald: "You are?"
Mabel: "Dippy."
Reginald: "Would you marry me if I asked you?"
Mabel: "I'm going to marry you even if you don't ask me."

-P G Whodehouse


Daylight Robbery

Don't mind me - Just cruising by -
by the girl with the balloon.
Good, it looks like we're the only ones around.
Caught on CCTV - Heading towards the city lights
Winking diamonds at me, arms stretched out now.
Ha-oooooooooo, it gets me everytime.
Sexy baby, Happiness and silhouettes,
Revolving in the deep water.
Indigo its high tide,night sky, pleasure moment.
Thinking big thinking positive and itching to get on with it
Its all stops out.
Excess is the new moderation
Get all dressed up to the power of ten
Raise glasses on repeat, again, again, again, again, again, again
Ha-ooooo it gets me everytime, wade in the sonic joy
Pleasure in the wave and synchronise
Sway in the sonic joy.

-Imogen Heap