

I am, er, (here)
And my mind is flying
So um, 
There's the me below
And the I above
Her heart in between a


My Philosophy for Life

1) I believe that humans and everything around us was and is made to honor, praise, and glorify, and have a relationship with the one and only God.

2) I also believe that life is about having relationships and companions. For non-christians, there are two different types of relationships - one is friendship and the other is marriage. For Christians, there are three relationships - friendship, marriage, and the greatest of all our relationship with God.

3) Life is a never-give-up kind of thing. I believe that you can never give up if you want to succeed. If I wanted to play soccer but stopped playing after the third practice because I couldn't score a goal, would I ever learn to play? If I learned to give up every time I didn't succeed in the first few tries or when I'm challenged, I would be a failure the rest of my life.

-Dane, age 13

This is so precious to me. Dane has a sincerity that he always carries in his heart. It is so endearing to see the mixture of biblical truths and childhood earnestness, and I pray that both become an irrevocable whole of his character and of my other brother's as well. 

The blessings I have in my brothers and their Godly lives is immeasurable. The world cries out for leaders, for men that have the strength of truth in their hearts. There are few to be found; most men are fostering pluralism and tolerance as an acceptable, peaceful route to universal happiness. But all beliefs cannot show truth, and where there is no truth, there is no true happiness. I would rather see a man standing strong for one wrong "truth", than an army of peaceful men accepting all "truths". Schuyler, Dane, and Trent already know the rightness of one truth, and they follow it strongly and with understanding.