
So long... (alt title: live free and prosper)

About the time where America as a political nation is "transnationalizing" and tailoring policies for the greater majorities, I'm running freelance again. About the time where America, as an open melting pot, is serving the special interest lobbyers and corporation moguls, I'm quitting a national (and world-wide) business chain. Yes, I quit my job, but there are deeper things to worry about.

I reflect everyday on the steps that are taken as a nation, and fight the jaded attitude I maintain towards an increasingly corrupt government.  I find the smallest of examples as revealing as the largest issues... Last week our President bowed to a leader of a Muslim country, and the government released a statement to declare the the President indeed did not bow (because inside all fair-minded Americans we found this is a disgrace) but shook the hand of a shorter person... I'm flabbergasted at how deceitful the government officials think they can be, and what they think we'll believe... They lie so readily (and ineptly) about the most basic of matters, and I cannot imagine what they devise in closed quarters.

Um, side note: Why do we feel that bowing to a Muslim leader shameful? Because that country has made attacks verbally, politically, and militantly against America for generations. They hate us... Because the Koran tells them to, and they follow their radical faith. It's considered radical, because any faith that calls upon it's followers to shun and kill people of another faith is radical. We should not respect nor tolerate a country that, if ever given the chance, would crush people of an innocent nation in honor of Islamic faith. End side note.

There's been increasing talk about taxing without accountability. Check out the new and improved tea partiesThe Huffington Post and several other liberal news sources attempted to sound like this is strictly a right wing radicalism, and interviewed people with select opinions that supported that. Honestly, it doesn't matter what they think, or what they report. The movement is a fantastic uprising, an all-grass-roots movement that supports no political agenda or person... Merely the idea the taxation with representation (amazing how we come full circle, isn't it?) is wrong. Wrong morally - because an organization how no more right than a normal person has to take money from someone else - and politically - because this nation was the shining beacon of freedom in a power-hungry world, and is now driving full speed ahead into a socialistic agenda.

Ah, socialism. It's funny, I read so many books growing up on socialistic regimes, and was fascinated by the beliefs of Karl Marx and friends. I got their logic, it was simple enough - it seemed almost holy... Let's do the best we can with everyone and for everyone, because we, the smartest and savviest, should rule the lesser folk for their benefit. 

See, they never understood the simplest of truth's: people are bad. People are corruptible, and driven by selfish desires. And people in groups will force their selfish desire on others regardless of good intentions with far more ferocity than one person alone. Established rights can be considered optional when a corrupt group of people begin tailoring their agendas and actions for monetary gain... Rights are optional if they impede a nice fat tax increase. A government knows that the more "things" (programs/nice sounding refunds/beautiful health policies) they promise citizens, the more willing they are to be taxed - and the more willing they are to wait, like dogs, for their tax dollars to be fed back to them.

Um, another side not: It is never correct to infringe on a citizen's rights for the sake of serving another. Never. Never. 

Taxation is an odd exception, because of living in a country with necessary regulations, law, and law enforcement to maintain decency and equality of treatment. We live as citizens of this country, giving our money to the government on faith that it will be used to serve us. Basically, we should be giving money to help ourselves as a citizen and country - the government is charged with the responsibility to invest the money into those areas and this investment is to be visibly returned. Sadly, so sadly, this is becoming less and less true. America in it's infancy saw the effects of taxation without government accountability, benefit, or return. Today, accountability is gone, the benefit is for select groups, and the return of our invested tax dollars is slipping completely away... And that is why we're throwing tea parties all over again.



Don't get any big ideas - they're not gonna happen

You paint yourself white and fill up with noise, but there'll be something missing

Now that you've found it, it's gone. Now that you feel it, you don't.
You've gone off the rails

So don't get any big ideas - they're not gonna happen

You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking



A little water

, originally uploaded by kait.rich.

It was a casual study day at the Crabtrees...until John dragged me into a golf cart and off we ride to a hidden waterfall where faeries frolic and a green umbrella is the only prop you need...