

Covert glances in public places
muted whispers and calling cards.
Restraining -
refraining -
waiting for your cue, your implicit nuance -
a hint of lust?
Never black and white (never hit it on)
Only smooth lilac, cream, and emerald.
We dance a painstaking masquerade in low-lit halls
as aquaintances and distant music meld
into the background of our
- Waxen Set-up -
Position Here:
Hand behind back, face behind fan, heart behind form.
Hair severe, rouge thick, lips closed.
Satins entrap heavy breathing -
Perfumes mask fervent feeling -
poised in a perfect tableaux
waiting for you.

1 comment:

Aine said...

I really like this one. It blends the Victorian ideal into something almost carnivalesque - when I read this my head is full of vivid images and I can't help thinking of a Panic! At The Disco music video. If you haven't seen one for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies," you might want to look for it on myspace. They actually employed a ton of Cirque Du Soleil people for the video, which is awesome.