
Return (Square One)

Everyturn a contradiction
have I not moved
from this concrete earth
burned alive in repitition
a plot of cycles
revolutions per second/day/year
disgrowth within mummification
of ageless repeats


David said...

I beg to differ. You see, there is only the illusion that things stay the same. Everything around us is constantly changing. Perhaps it is we who do not change (or do not want to change, for one reason or the other, I don't know though, I'm just saying words). So, with that fact in mind, how do we go about life? My suggestion is simply to live life as best you can, helping others, giving God your all.

And in doing that, we have changed so very much. Not only ourselves, but hopefully others as well

Again, I'm not sure if any of that made sense, I'm just speaking words

Kait said...

Change is always occuring. I know that. . . I really do. It's just that at times I feel a certain way, and I write it out to get rid of the emotion(s). It's therapy, really. So although I might write something like this, depressing and all, it doesn't mean it's all I feel or know. But thank you for the encouragement . . . it means a lot.