
Accountability, yo

One week altered vegan

Just say YES!
Peanut butter, raisins, whole wheat bread, soy milk, apples, bananas, yams, avocado, tomato, celery, carrots, broccoli, beans, rice, mushrooms, vinagarettes, green and black teas, honey, olive oil, 70% dark cocoa chocolate, home-cooked foods, eggs, tuna and salmon fish, rare greek yogurt and frozen yogurt (otherwise no survival!)

Just say NO!
White potatoes, white breads, corn, too much sugar, too much caffeine, salad dressings, cheese, milk, ice cream, processed foods, candy, chocolate, all sodas, all Red Bulls 

A change in dietary habits is essential for a healthy life, and I want to take another step towards that. This isn't an earth-shaking revelation, it's just time to act.


Meagan Eve said...

You'll be fine since avocado is on the list. *ahhhh* I love avocado!


Bluebelle said...

Oh wow, that yes list actually looks pretty appealing - dark chocolate, peanut butter, avocado. Yum yum. I would miss the milk though.

Good luck sticking to it!

David said...

I think I've discovered that I'm allergic to something in Red Bull, my throat closes up and I cough a lot :p

So no more for me either :(

Anonymous said...

Wait, what's wrong with organic milk?

Kait said...

Mmm avocado! Yes, it's yum, and a great source of healthy fat! I'm needing to find natural peanut butter so it'll be better than my current processed Jiff ;)

Organic is great, but diary is the issue. Research has confirmed that diary intake can aggravate or cause allergies, acne, and asthma...and since I struggle with all three, my aim is to keep my intake very low. Other sources list more reasons for avoiding dairy, so you can look up the topic more. As a milk replacement, I use soy and a friend recommended rice milk as well!

Anonymous said...

... you're not an "altered" vegan. you're a halfass vegan.