

Big Five TraitsYour ScoreFacebook AverageThis means you are..
Extroversion9264Very Extroverted.  You are very sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people most of the time.
Agreeableness9465Very Agreeable.  You have a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are very pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.
Conscientiousness5863Somewhat Free-Spirited.  You enjoy living for the moment but are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.
Emotional Stability3857Neurotic.  You can be upset by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional.
Openness to Experience9873Very Open.  You love novelty, variety, and change. You are very curious, imaginative, and creative.

Your Good Side: Tolerant
Tolerant Types are open to, and accepting of, differences in other people. They care about the feelings of others and tend to take their opinions into account when making decisions. Their social skills are reasonably well-developed and they normally relate well to others in both co-worker and supervisory roles. They are described by others with such terms as good-natured, empathic, genial, tactful, diplomatic, calm, and poised.
Your Bad Side: Moody
Moody Types tend to report experiencing many negative emotions and few positive emotions. They are described by others as complex, changeable, worried, depressed, tense, impatient, moody, anxious, irritable, nervous, quitting, unenergetic, unambitious, introverted, cold, unreliable, self-centered, negligent, and stubborn.

Read more about the Big Five personality traits. Content courtesy of John A. Johnson at Penn State.


David said...

Well I could have told you that

Meagan Eve said...

I'm an ESFP :)